
The day you open your mind to music, you're halfway to opening your mind to life.

- Pete Townshend

Instrumental lessons offered

Keyboard instruments

I teach piano and keyboard, including Jazz piano

Stringed instruments

I teach violin and viola

I have been a musician all my life.  I began playing the viola when I was 7 years old, and then I took up the piano and violin too.  I completed my ABRSM graded exams as well as studying music at GCSE, A Level, and at university.  I have a degree in music, and I have a Post Graduate Certificate in Education.   I play my instruments every day for pleasure, and perform with friends in a string quartet.  I also sing with a local Knutsford chamber choir.


Lessons take place in my home in Knutsford, Cheshire, easily commutable from Wilmslow, Northwich, Altrichham and Macclesfield

Lessons are paid for one month in advance and cost £16 per half an hour and £32 per hour lesson.

My approach to teaching music includes a number of key elements taught at the same time.  Technical skill in playing the instrument is developed alongside music theory, the ability to read notes from the page, and intepreting music in a sensitive manner.  My pupils learn technical elements of their instrument, including scales; practical skills such as sight reading and listening skills, and they develop musicality so they are able to communicate the feel of a piece of music, as well as play the notes correctly.  Giving a polished performance of a piece which has been carefully learned is an important skills too!

Buying an instrument

I can give advice on purchasing an instrument for yourself or your child.  It can be quite a significant investment to buy an instrument, and thought needs to go into buying one.

Violins and violas need to be the right size for the person playing it - it is important to get advice on this before puchasing. Instrument shops are more than happy for you to try different sizes before you buy.  Although some cheap deals are available online, make sure you pick the correct size of instrument.

Pianos or digital pianos need to have weighted keys so that they can be played accurately and achieve the variety of dynamics and sounds required. 

Books and resources

Electronic keyboards are different from pianos and there is a wide range to choose from. They come in different sizes, specifications and brands, at a variety of prices.  The keyboard you buy needs a good range of voices and polyphony.

I advise on which books of music will be best for you or your child.  The resources I use are all tried and tested materials which combine fun and learning. 

It is good for pupils to bring along a notebook to lessons in which I can write the down what needs to be practised before the following lesson.